On Earth I Am Dead Though I Live on the Moon Answer

by Flyerim
~1 minute
On Earth I Am Dead Though I Live on the Moon Answer

A riddle is a statement or question that poses a puzzle to be solved. Riddles often use figurative language and word play to challenge the listener or reader to think critically and creatively to find the answer. They have been used for centuries for entertainment, education, and as a test of intelligence. Riddles can be found in many different forms, including in literature, folktales, and games.

In this article, you’ll learn the answer to the “On Earth I’m Dead Though I Live on the Moon”


On Earth, I am dead, though I live on the moon.

I am in no crater, but I’m in every boom.

I cannot move on my own, but I’m in each room.



The letter “O” is a letter in the word “Moon”, “Boom”, and “Room”.

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