What happened to Tesla, which Elon Musk sent into space 5 years ago? Where is it now?

by Flyerim
2 minutes
What happened to Tesla, which Elon Musk sent into space 5 years ago? Where is it now?

What happened to Tesla, which Elon Musk sent into space 5 years ago? Where is it now?

A Tesla Roadster sent into space in 1998 managed to leave 5 years behind. So where is that Tesla now?

Five years ago, Elon Musk's SpaceX launched a Tesla into space on February 6, 1018, in a demonstration that even the most disliked of Musk agreed was pretty cool. And now, she's celebrating her 5 years in space.

The Roadster has continued its impressive journey ever since. It is moving away from Earth at an incredible speed of 26,619 kilometers per hour and an unquestionably impressive fuel efficiency of 8,511.4 kilometers per liter.

The Roadster has orbited the Sun 3.3 times, according to “Where Is Roadster,” which has followed it since its launch on February 6, 2018.

Unless the Roadster is eroded by radiation or involved in the solar system's first spacecraft accident (such as an asteroid), it will continue to orbit for a long time to come, passing Mars and Earth in the meantime.

Although the vehicle is not followed very closely, an article in 2018 examined its trajectory to determine the vehicle's fate. According to the article published in the journal Aerospace, the vehicle will come closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit in the next 100 years.

On a much longer time scale, the team calculated that the probability of the vehicle colliding with Earth was about 22 percent, the probability of colliding with Venus 12 percent, and the probability of striking the Sun was about the same as hitting Venus. Fortunately, this event will happen on a time scale of millions of years and is unlikely to affect Tesla stock prices, possibly in a way that Musk would be happy about.

While traveling in space, the mannequin named Starman, placed in the vehicle, listened to David Bowie's Space Oddity song 496,287 times in one ear and David Bowie's Life On Mars? He listened to his song 668,726 times.

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