Who is SCP-096? Origin, Powers, Photos

by Flyerim
6 minutes
Who is SCP-096? Origin, Powers, Photos

Who is SCP-096? Origin, Powers, Photos

The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that operates in secrecy and is documented by the SCP Wiki, a collaborative writing project.

The organization is responsible for containing, capturing, and examining various paranormal and supernatural phenomena known as "anomalies" or "SCP" that are beyond scientific explanation.

They also work to keep the existence of these anomalies hidden from the general public.

The SCP Wiki functions in a manner similar to Wikipedia and features elements from various genres, including horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy.

The majority of the content found on the SCP Wiki consists of SCP files, which are confidential scientific reports detailing various SCPs and their associated containment protocols.

Additionally, the website also features "Foundation Tales," which are short stories set in the SCP universe featuring different characters and settings.

The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations across various media formats, including books, comics, video games, and live-action and animated short films.

This article aims to provide information on SCP-096, including its biography, powers, abilities, personality, and more, as documented by the SCP Foundation and games.

Who is SCP-096?

SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is one of the most renowned characters in the world of the SCP Foundation. This humanoid entity, classified as Euclid, is currently being held captive by the Foundation. It possesses the unique ability to detect anyone who looks at its face.

Once it identifies a person looking at its face, SCP-096 will relentlessly hunt them down, unleashing deafening howls until it eventually kills them in a gruesome manner. Due to this characteristic, the entity has become one of the most prominent and recognizable SCPs within the SCP Foundation universe.


SCP-096 was initially discovered by the Department of Abnormalities and was held in a facility located in Stuttgart, Germany, which was subsequently designated as SCP-6720. The personnel in charge had established containment procedures for the entity.

Unfortunately, an unknown incident occurred, resulting in SCP-096 killing most of the personnel and escaping from the facility. The SCP Foundation encountered SCP-096 for the first time in its "natural habitat," near a mountain in an unknown location.

A retrieval team, Zulu-9 A, was dispatched to capture the creature. However, upon landing their helicopter near it, SCP-096 turned towards the team, causing all members, except for the captain, to see its face. The captain had turned away to talk to a doctor at the time.

This caused SCP-096 to cry heavily before launching a violent attack on the team. Despite utilizing all their weapons, the team was unable to harm SCP-096, and it killed almost all of them, except for the captain.

Subsequently, the backup team, Zulu-9 B, arrived at the location, and the surviving captain warned them not to look at SCP-096's face. They managed to contain the entity by putting a bag over its head and transporting it to a Foundation site.


SCP-096 is a gaunt, pale-skinned humanoid with a highly emaciated frame, lacking muscle mass. Its arms are disproportionately long, measuring approximately 1.5 meters, reminiscent of Slenderman's long arms. The entity lacks hair on its body and has eyes with no pigmentation, indicating possible blindness.

While its other facial features resemble those of a human, SCP-096's jaw is four times larger than an average person's. There is little evidence of any higher cognitive functions, with no indication of any significant brain activity beyond identifying and pursuing its targets.


SCP-096 displays minimal personality, often found sitting in a fetal position and crying to itself. However, if someone looks at its face, SCP-096's crying becomes more intense, signaling the start of its violent pursuit of the individual.

When SCP-5731, a music box capable of speaking the thoughts of non-sapient organic creatures, was placed near SCP-096 in its passive state, it repeatedly spoke the phrases "so sad" and "ugly, ugly," consistent with the entity's typical behavior.

However, when SCP-096 was in an enraged state, SCP-5731 began reciting complex equations related to physics and aerodynamics, indicating a high level of intelligence and critical thinking despite its lack of sapience.

Utilizing SCP-978 to photograph SCP-096 resulted in a picture of the containment cell without SCP-096, suggesting that the entity may not wish to exist or be visible in its current state.

Powers and abilities

SCP-096 is a monstrous entity in the SCP Foundation universe, possessing a wide range of abilities that make it a formidable foe.

One of its most notable abilities is its power to track down anyone who has seen its face, relentlessly pursuing and attacking them until they are killed.

This ability, combined with SCP-096's superhuman speed, means that few can escape once they have seen it.

SCP-096 is also endowed with unlimited strength, stamina, and endurance, enabling it to continue its pursuit without rest.

Its superhuman senses allow it to detect and locate its prey from great distances, making evasion nearly impossible.

SCP-096 is highly resilient, with unbreakable bones and the ability to regenerate from even the most severe injuries.

Moreover, it possesses reactive adaptation, allowing it to learn and adapt to different situations and become even more effective at hunting down its prey.

SCP-096 is biologically immortal and completely immune to pain, allowing it to keep fighting even in the face of the most severe injuries.

It can also enter a berserk state, further increasing its already impressive speed and strength. Additionally, it has extrasensory perception, allowing it to sense danger and potential threats before they arise.

SCP-096 can grant itself a temporary speed boost and has a high resistance to various forms of damage.

Lastly, it is self-sustaining and can survive indefinitely without food or water.

Overall, SCP-096 is a powerful and terrifying monster with a wide range of abilities that make it nearly invincible.

Those who encounter this creature are unlikely to survive.

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