Why is Your Stomach Growling?

by Flyerim
4 minutes
Why is Your Stomach Growling?

Why is Your Stomach Growling?

Abdominal rumbling can be as uncomfortable as it is natural. If you don't want your stomach growling at an important meeting, the theater or a special dinner, check out this post!

Your body is making a sound almost all the time, whether you are aware of it or not. Simply by obeying the laws of physics, it creates some sound energy in every movement it makes. This rule continues to apply to the movements of your digestive system, as well as to the rubbing noise that occurs when you move your joints. While these sounds are normal, some people may be bothered by them.

Why does your stomach growl after a meal?

The sounds you hear in your stomach after eating are caused by the digestive system's special movement called peristalsis, that is, when smooth muscles contract and push your food from your small intestine to your colon. In this case, you can think of your stomach as an empty washing machine. When you eat, the food and liquid mix together with the air you breathe. Food, liquid, and air pass through the digestive tract and make these sounds as they move through the digestive process.

Why does your stomach growl when hungry?

If you walk past a bakery, you'll smell fresh pastries and your stomach will growl. This is because your brain tells your stomach, intestines, and stomach to release an appetizing hormone called ghrelin, which tells it to contract. The hum you hear is the movement of those organs. Sometimes you can hear these sounds even when you are not hungry. Certain foods, such as peas, lentils, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, can be difficult to digest. In this case, the body that puts more effort can work louder. These foods can also include diet sodas and sugar-free gums.

What does tummy rumbling mean?

In fact, rumbling in your stomach indicates that your body is working in a healthy way. Doctors can try to hear these sounds with the help of a stethoscope while examining your digestive system. If the sounds are accompanied by pain, bloating, or changes in bowel movements, such as diarrhea or constipation, you may want to consider consulting a specialist.

Is it possible to prevent stomach rumbling?

Although it is quite normal, you may not like your stomach growling in certain environments. While there is no magic wand that will destroy it as soon as it appears, some small precautions can minimize it. Here are some recommendations:

Take a walk after dinner. Take a little walk rather than exercise.

Work to manage your stress. Take time to calm down, prioritize, and say no whenever possible. Stress is closely related to your digestive system health.

Eat or snack. If the rumbling is caused by hunger, the simplest solution is to remove it.

Meet your water needs little by little. Drinking large amounts of fluid at once can cause repercussions in your digestive tract.

Use a pipette. You may be swallowing air while sipping your drinks, and these two immiscible substances can give your digestive system a hard time.

Avoid carbonated drinks and added sugar. Certain foods and beverages, with the sugar they provide for their own gas or gas-producing bacteria, can increase the amount of air in your digestive tract.

Eat slower. Eating fast can make it easier for you to swallow air. For the same reason, keep your mouth closed while chewing your bites.

Do not drink too much water while exercising. Meet your fluid needs during breaks when you have the opportunity to calm down.

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