What are the ways to control anger?

by Flyerim
6 minutes
What are the ways to control anger?

What are the ways to control anger?

Events on the agenda make us all angry and we may experience outbursts of anger from time to time. So how can we deal with it? Here are 11 ways to unleash your anger...

It's completely natural to have stressful reactions to day-to-day negativities, but when this becomes regular, it turns into destructive behavior and begins to have a profound effect on your psychological health. Anger not only affects our relationships and day-to-day work, it also affects our health. People who constantly have anger problems are more frequently exposed to disorders such as high blood pressure (blood pressure), anxiety. It is a well-known fact that chronic stress triggers almost all diseases. Fortunately, scientific studies confirm that methods of dealing with anger are feasible and that we can reduce the risk of serious illnesses. A 2010 study proved that expressing anger can even reduce the risk of heart disease.

You can make it easier to deal with anger by making these 10 methods a part of your life:

1- Take deep breaths

Our breath is directly related to our mood. Even taking a deep 'off!' when we are angry shows how much we need a deep breath. Short and irregular breaths send messages to our nervous system that we are not safe, triggering the 'fight-or-flight' response and releasing stress hormones. However, taking deep and slow breaths is the easiest and safest way to calm our nervous system. When you are angry, it will be effective to take a deep breath and slowly release it and repeat it a few times. Of course, it is important to do breathing exercises not only in angry moments, but also in your daily life. The more often you practice deep breathing, the better you will learn to use this ability more effectively in difficult times.

2- Find a relaxing mantra

Repeating a comforting phrase may seem silly at times, but it is actually one of the most effective ways to directly affect the nervous system. Repeating a positive phrase such as “Everything is fine” to yourself will send the message that you are safe to your nervous system, making it easier for you to deal with difficult emotions.

3- Visualize the relaxation

Visualizing (or visualizing) simply means imagining, visualizing an image, an image. When you get angry, thinking of a place where you feel happy and peaceful, imagining that you are here, imagining the air and smell of the place can also help you relax by manipulating your nervous system.

4- Move your body with awareness

Sometimes sitting or staying still can increase anxiety and anger. Being mindful of your movements, walking a little, doing yoga moves, or doing exercises to reduce tension in your muscles are great ways to deal with anger. Of course, it's not easy to dance when you're feeling very angry, but moving your body a little, even a little rocking, will help calm your nerves.

5- Review your point of view

Our perception of reality can change when we are under a lot of stress. We've all felt like the whole world was turning against us when we had a really bad day. Of course, this is not true, and acting from such points of view will only get on our nerves more. When you feel angry, taking a breather and trying to look at things from a different perspective will help calm your anger.

6- Express your disappointment

Anger often comes after disappointment. When you experience an unexpected situation, if you feel frustrated and angry, it will do you good to express it. Of course, we're not talking about going out at your most angry and blasting at someone you love, but expressing your true feelings after you've calmed down a bit.

7- Soothe anger with humor

Some people involuntarily start laughing when they are very angry. Because indeed, laughing is one of the most effective actions to calm the anger. If you can manage to change your point of view, you can also find the funny side of your anger. When you don't take yourself and what's going on too seriously, it will be easier not to get carried away by negative emotions.

8- Change your environment

It may not be good to be in one place, especially in a certain place, when you are angry. When you feel that you are overflowing with anger, going for a short walk, going somewhere and sitting for a while will both calm your anger by making you move, and they have not said in vain, "there is comfort in the displaced place."

9- Find what triggers your anger

Sometimes we ignore the little things that make us angry, we put up with them, and eventually our accumulated anger comes from a place we don't understand and explodes. Try to find the things that increase your stress during the day. Someone in the office constantly tapping their feet? Do you get bored in that place where the traffic is jammed on your way home in the evening? When you realize the details that make you angry, it will be easier for you to control your anger by dealing with them.

10- Focus on what you are grateful for

Stress brings more stress. This is also why you feel the whole world is upon you when you are angry. Even if it is difficult, turning your head away from your anger and looking at the things that are going well in your life and focusing on the things that make you grateful can calm your anger.

11- Get help

It is completely normal and healthy to feel angry from time to time. However, if tantrums make your life difficult for both you and those around you, you should not hesitate to seek help from a specialist. It may be possible to investigate the underlying causes of your constant anger and to eliminate these negative sources with an appropriate therapy method.

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