Who is the Huh Cat?

by Flyerim
4 minutes
Who is the Huh Cat?

"The Huh Cat has become a viral sensation on TikTok, featuring a short video clip of a cat meowing. The cat's meow amusingly resembles the word "Huh."

This viral cat meme has found its way into various school-related content on TikTok, often being used in humorous videos that capture the essence of what students feel during a math lesson or other school-related experiences.

In this article, we'll delve into the origins of the Huh Cat meme, explore the original video, dive into the world of GIFs and emotes, and learn more about its widespread popularity on TikTok."

Who is the Huh Cat?

Huh cat meme

Huh cat GIF

Who is the Huh Cat?


this is the original video of Bender meowing#cats#meowing#original

♬ original sound – BenChonkyCat

The Huh Cat is none other than a feline named Bender, who belongs to @planetvenus500, known as BenChonkyCat on TikTok. Bender is a white cat adorned with black spots and boasts a pleasantly plump figure, which adds to his charm. The story of the Huh Cat begins with a video of Bender meowing, a video that was initially uploaded on TikTok on September 7, 2021.

This initial video gained astonishing traction, accumulating over 11 million views and garnering more than 2 million likes. However, it wasn't until 2023 that a shorter, 5 to 15-second snippet of this video went truly viral on TikTok. In this brief clip, Bender the cat turned his head and emitted a meow that amusingly resembled the word "Huh."

Huh Cat Meme

The Huh Cat meme serves the purpose of humorously conveying the feeling of confusion experienced by students during a school lesson. These memes typically feature a combination of a clip showing a goat licking the air and, of course, the iconic meowing cat.

For instance, a TikTok user known as @f417angelo posted a prime example of this meme with the caption "Me in Math and Sciences class." This video managed to amass over 600k views and received more than 100k likes. In this video, the goat stands in as the teacher, while the cat playfully represents the student's bewildered reaction, perfectly encapsulating the essence of the Huh Cat meme.

Huh Cat GIF

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