How to Fix Gold Notes Not Showing on Instagram: Step-by-Step Guide

by Flyerim
4 minutes
How to Fix Gold Notes Not Showing on Instagram: Step-by-Step Guide

Instagram Notes is a feature that allows users to share brief thoughts with their followers or close friends. Recently, Instagram introduced a hidden feature during the Olympics called Gold Notes. This feature transforms the color of your notes to gold when specific trigger words are used. However, many users have reported issues with gold notes not showing or working properly.

In this guide, we’ll cover why gold notes might not be working and how to fix the issue on Instagram.

Why Are Gold Notes Not Working on Instagram?

Gold notes may not work on Instagram for a couple of reasons:

  1. Outdated App Version: You may not have updated the Instagram app to the latest version.

  2. Caching Issues: Even with the latest version, cached data might be preventing the feature from working.

Gold notes can be triggered by using specific words such as “Gold,” “Victory,” “Champion,” and others. If the feature is not working, follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

How to Fix Gold Notes Not Showing on Instagram

Fix 1: Update Instagram

  1. Open the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).

  2. Search for Instagram.

  3. If an update is available, tap on Update.

  4. Open Instagram and check if you can now add gold notes.

Fix 2: Offload Instagram (iPhone Only)

  1. Open the Settings app and select General.

  2. Tap on iPhone Storage.

  3. Scroll down and select Instagram.

  4. Tap Offload App twice.

  5. Reinstall the app and open Instagram to check if gold notes are now available.

Editor’s Note: Testing this method has shown that offloading and reinstalling Instagram can resolve the issue.

Fix 3: Clear Instagram’s Cache (Android Only)

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Navigate to Apps > App Management > Instagram.

  3. Select Storage Usage.

  4. Tap on Clear Cache followed by Clear Data.

  5. Open Instagram and check if you can now add gold notes.

Fix 4: Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram

  1. Tap and hold the Instagram app.

  2. Select Remove or Uninstall.

  3. Open the App Store or Google Play Store.

  4. Search for Instagram and reinstall it.

  5. Open Instagram and check if gold notes are working.

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